Monday, May 9, 2011

Quick Update!

We had a great, interactive time at our last meeting on May 4th.  We welcomed another new member, Deb from Harrisburg, and some of our snowbirds have returned north for the summer. Lori demonstrated the wavy ruler and showed us all how easy it is to sew curved pieces - I guess there is no need to be afraid of them any longer! 

Complete meeting minutes will be forthcoming, but the big news is our new meeting time at 6:30 pm instead of 7:00 pm.  Also, the July meeting has been moved to Saturday the 9th of July at 9:00 am so that we can have plenty of time to sew stockings for the Optimists toy drive.  Bring your machines and any embellishments you may have, along with a salad for a salad sampling pot luck! 

The Siouxland Samplers have invited us to enter quilts in their quilt show - more information is available on their website here:  An entry form in PDF format will be sent to all members, along with the full meeting minutes from May. 

Upcoming - the Tulip Festival's Quilt Show, presented by the Sioux Prairie Quilters guild is upcoming May 19th - 21st. 

See you all soon!